Me and my Image

Claudette McKenzie-Bassant
13 March 2001 to 6 April 2001

In collaboration with Claudette McKenzie-Bassant
and Grinling Gibbons Primary School

This project enabled a group of pupils from Grinling Gibbons Primary School to participate in an artist-led project which explored issues of identity within a multi-cultural framework in a professional gallery environment. The children visited the space in advance of the project and then created a body of work specifically designed for installation in the gallery. The project was designed to achieve a number of goals.

It aimed to raise intercultural awareness with mixed minority and majority students through facilitating a questioning process and giving pupils the time and space to investigate the issues raised through creative means.

A Teachers’ Pack was produced to accompany this project, which will facilitate the dissemination of information to other teachers for use in the classroom. The artist also hosted an INSET for teachers on the ways in which cultural awareness can be raised in the classroom through projects which link with the National Curriculum.

The project demonstrated an innovative approach to gallery-based art education with partner organisations such as schools in order to extend the learning environment available to pupils.